Kritisk-rationel pædagogik

Den kritisk-rationelle pædagog søger at fremme kendskabet til de pædagogiske muligheder i Sir Karl Poppers teori om Kritisk Rationalisme - først og fremmest i forhold til undervisning og læring.

Forskning, læring og innovation - en 'pixie'-udgave

Popper have never been in the eye of the fashion; and, big though his reputation is, his time has yet to come. My guess is that it will come, though. Just as Wittgenstein’s work is an object of special study in universities all over the world half a century after his death, so, I suspect, will Popper’s be. And it is well fitted to stand up to this kind of scrutiny, for among its most striking characteristics are richness and wide-rangingness.

Bryan Magee

I dreamt of one day founding a school in which young people could learn without boredom, and would be stimulated to pose problems and discuss them; a school in which no unwanted answers to unasked questions would have to be listened to; in which one did not study for the sake of passing examinations.

Sir Karl Popper

Few thinkers in this century have contributed in such rigorous and profound way as Sir Karl Popper towards clarifying and solving the methodological problems of the sciences of his student days - including the sciences of psychology and education. One can only wish that psychologists, as well as their many practitioners, may come to realize and appreciate this clarification to a greater extent than they have done until now.

Arne Friemuth Petersen

Torbjørn Ydegaard: Kritisk-rationel pædagogik - en sober kombination af individualisme og altruisme kan købes i boghandlen eller direkte fra